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Piyanoot Rattananukool

The Rebirth and Identical Characters in Love Destiny 1-2, Thai Series

Author : Piyanoot Rattananukool

Photos : Broadcast Thai Television, Co., Channel 3 Thailand

Bella (Ranee Campen) in Love Destiny 2

It is a challenge for the main actor and actress to perform as 3 characters each in a drama. For the first time in the Asian series, this idea was applied in Love Destiny, Season 2, the famous Thai historical drama (romantic comedy) based on the novel. This complex narrative raised questions among foreign viewers about the causes of the characters' physical similarities with different mentalities. The magical occurrences in the story are justified by the transmigration concept, and under this circumstance, the main actor and actress can show their acting competence wonderfully.

Pope (Thanavat Vatthanaputi) in Love Destiny 2, Thai Series

Rompaeng, the author of the novels, Love Destiny 1-2, reveals the meaning behind the title on her Facebook page. According to her, a meaning of "Promlikhit [prom-li-khit]" (Destiny) is the parent(s)’s power which determines the life path of the child, like the white-robed hermit who resists the law of nature in the story. He supernaturally assists the daughter in traveling through time, which accelerates the compensation for her karma or immoral actions in the past. By the return to meet again and co-existing in a lifetime, the daughter and affected persons earn chances for self-development and spiritual growth. The time travel in the fiction is fantasy [created for the fulfillment of human wishes.] In reality, such miracle can never happen. In another meaning, she further explains, "The novel title signifies that no incident happens by accident, but they are determined to function by actions for the continuity of movement in a direction." She emphasized that destiny is not just about romantic love [the sudden, magical connection of the two souls of people who are made for each other/ the law of attraction explained by the relationship in the past life]. Humans can control their future, no matter which path they choose, all paths are the same: they provide lessons about birth, aging, suffering, and death [the Buddhist principle known as "the Four Noble Truths"]. The novelist regards herself as a conveyer of the truths.

* […] =  explanatory notes by the article author

Pope & Bella in Love Destiny 2, Thai Drama

The artist (the novelist) guides people to reach the truths via the artistic, entertaining method (the art of storytelling). However, the controller/determiner of human life as mentioned by Rompaeng varies by religion/culture and area of study: God, the universe, the law of karma (the effects of actions), a person’s habits and way of thoughts which result in a repetitive pattern of decision-making. The author also states that the determiner can be parent(s) who play a crucial role in shaping an individual's character and future-life outcomes, aligning with the social value in the Asian context where parental influence is paramount.


Based on the belief about rebirth, the story presents the journey of the soul after death. Put it simply, the soul is reborn in another body form, and it happens again and again, either short or long lifespan, on the route of time. Some people may recall their past lives/ former existences, while others cannot. Although modern generations reject this incredible notion; nevertheless, the principle is still explained by some factual true stories. Up to now, people who trust in science haven’t lost interest in the rebirth.


“Nirvana” is another Buddhist term representing the liberation from suffering and the end of rebirth. It is reachable through mental purification and the clearance of karmic debts. “Nirvana” is used only for Lord Buddha’s state of life after his death. Due to the remaining karmic debts and a lack of intensive mental practice, we, ordinary people, are unable to be at the Nirvana level which is the high state of no physical form. By nirvana, the person is no longer reborn. Generally, when spending life on earth, we face social conflicts, suffering, obstacles, and disappointment, which are explained as worldly challenging problems. In this chaotic, complex environment, people with karmic debts gain chances to choose for doing the right things, such as generosity and devotion for the benefit of mankind and the world. And the Buddhists believe that it is karma compensation.

Basically, karma is your action that brings a result to your life. Bad actions affect other lives, and that brings you to the current existence. Someone may have done something wrong in the past life, which relates to the current state of existence, for example, why is s/he born into a poor family?, why is s/he an inborn disabled? As long as no one can find the real cause in the present world, it is explained that the person might do something wrong in the past life, which then affects the present being. In a way, it can stop some mental questions and become the incentive for moral goodness/virtue. Accordingly, this teaching concept is associated with helping people or doing something good for the world by showing effort or sacrifice.

The term "Avatar" originally referred to a divine presence in human form with a mission to teach or demonstrate elevated thoughts and actions, for example, devotion and patience. However, this word was used in James Cameron’s movie simply as the transmission of the mind to another body by the mind-transfer technology. The person is NOT dead, and reborn subsequently. Instead, the main character in Avatar knows who he was and what he will do in another body for missions. His soul is transferred from the body of a natural human (disabled soldier) to the body of the blue-skinned alien before going to Pandora. 

Love Destiny 1 - 2 portrays the main characters’ instant connection like they've known before. The narrative unfolds a bond over 2,000 years, tracing the interconnected karma of the 4 characters that leads to various reincarnations in different eras. The characters grapple with the consequences of past actions in their past lives, illustrating the impact of karma—where actions in previous lives affect the current existence.

costume design, Thai period drama

2000 years ago, in the ancient time of Dvaravati, the first civilization of Southeast Asia, Prince Athitaya, later known as Karaked, was deeply in love with Aninlabot,  the head of warrior. King Suriyaracha arranged a political marriage between Prince Athitaya and King Thikamracha, the ruler of another kingdom, to unite the two territories. Prince Athitaya was unwilling to comply with her father’s order, she asked Aninlabot to escape together, but  Aninlabot placed importance on the duty over the personal desire. The arranged marriage proceeded, and Thikamracha ascended to power. After that, King Suriyaracha descended from the thrown to make a pilgrimage.

Chantravadee, who is later identified as Kedsurang in the present world, was King Thikamracha's lover before the marriage. She was appointed as the left-side queen. Due to a conflict, Queen Athitaya’s twin babies died. She ordered Aninlabot to kill Chantravadee who is suspected of murder. This conflict led to a war between the two kingdoms, resulting in numerous casualties and karmic consequences.

 In the cycle of rebirth, Athitaya was reincarnated as Karaked, a lady who had dangerous moods and behaviors. Athitaya and Chantravadee were reborn together as twins in Ayuthaya due to the karmic relationship, but only  Karaked (the past form is Athitaya)  could survive. Another girl was reborn in Bangkok, the present era.  After her death in present time (around 2018), her soul journeyed to the past by the power of a magical book in Love Destiny 1, she found herself awake in the body of her twin, Karaked in Ayuthaya after real Karaked died for a while. The soul of Karaked left the body and went to hell.  After karmic clearance, Karaked found herself in the body of a girl who died in a road accident in 2023, later known as “Pudtan.” The owner of the dead body is Kedsurang’s niece in the present time.

Unlike Kedsurang who remembers who she is while existing in Karaked’s body, Karaked cannot remember her past life. Before waking up in Pudtan’s body, he had been a soul without a body for a period. Since she didn’t have a clear physical form (soul without body), she couldn’t have a complete connection with people and incidents during existing as a soul, no matter where the soul was (in or out of hell). Without body, she cannot sense the external world (no physical eyes, ears, tongue/mouth, skin and brain for experiencing and recording). Perhaps, this is a reason why Karaked in Pudtan’s body cannot remember her past life (during traveling as a soul) and she does not feel close to Pudtan’s parents since she did not have the part of childhood experience as Pudtan.

The main part of Love Destiny 2 starts with Pudtan’s journey to Ayuthaya period by the power of the magical book which enabled her to cross the border of time. She met “Rid”, the second twin son of Kedsurang in Karaked's body. They face numerous obstacles together.

In Love Destiny 1-2, Bella (Ranee Campen) played 4 roles : Karaked, a beautiful lady with bad behaviors in Ayuthaya period,  Kedsurang, a fat lady in present-day Bangkok,  Kedsurang in Ayuthaya-era twin’s body (Karaked),  and Pudtan, Karaked’s soul in the body of Kedsurang’s niece. For fun and acting challenges, the male actor,  Pope (Thanavat Vatthanaputi), was assigned to play triple roles in Love Destiny 2: old father and two young sons (male twins).

Apart from the main characters, the rebirth cycles of other characters are also woven into the narrative. Their relations can be either “getting well with” or “disfavor”, depending on the actions the one did in their past life which affects the other one. The scientific explanation can be the chemical (dis) harmony with the pulse of (dis) similar attitudes and hormones.

Furthermore, the dramas also present that the soul and the body can be completely different as shown in the rebirth of the male main character in his close friend’s body, “Rueng-rit”. Probably, this occurs because of their meaningful friendship in Ayuthaya period. The first male twin, children generation in Love Destiny, was named “Rueng” by the mother for the commemoration of her friend, “Rueng-rit”, who loves her in the present era, but she cannot love him in return.

Rooted in the belief of rebirth, the story emphasizes the interplay between past actions and present circumstances, urging viewers to consider the consequences of their actions and the difference between bodies (outer appearance) and souls (inner mentality, attitudes, thoughts) with contemplation. The drama indirectly conveys a message that death is not an ending because the body is temporary, while the soul can stay alive. There is no real leaving; individuals may reunite again in the next world. The theme heals our minds. It reduces sadness about leaving, death, and encourages people to accept changes and moral laws.


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